Version: 5
Size: 3.7 Mb
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How to install Pinneggiando apk for android
- For Android 4.0 or higher:Please to Settings, look down to Security, and select Unknown sources. Choosing this choice will enable to install apps download from the internet.
- For devices running on lower Android 4.0:
Please go to Settings - open the Applications option, and select Unknown sources, click OK on the popup alert.
Pinneggiando Description
Pinneggiando is the result of years of marine biology studies. It arises from our passion for the sea and from the desire to emphasize the complex biodiversity of the Italian seas in order to increase the awareness and knowledge of everybody, but also to make more usable, to experts and non, the marine world.For a better approach the Italian seas were divided into nine biogeographic zones, defined by transition areas that vary with climate change and listing for each one the species present.
The collaboration of expert taxonomists colleagues, was fundamental for this aim.
By pointing your device towards the sea the application shows the details of all the species present in the identified zone.
For the most curious, it is possible to view all the species of all the zones, selecting them manually.
For each species systematic classification, habitat, biogeographical distribution, and other information are specified.
Moreover, to make the application fun, we have added a section of "Games" and... if you have a question "Ask the Expert".
What's new in Pinneggiando 5
Abbiamo re-inventato Pinneggiando:- Nuova Grafica
- App più leggera
- Accesso Web al database delle specie SEMPRE AGGIORNATO
- Aggiunta lingua inglese
sopratutto, tante e tante animaizoni.
Download Pinneggiando 5 APK
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